When it was announced that Shraddha Kapoor would play the female lead in Mohit Suri's upcoming film Half Girlfriend, there had been much speculation about which actor would be signed up opposite her and now, we have learned that Arjun Kapoor has been roped in to play Madhav Jha, the protagonist.
Those who have read the book by Chetan Bhagat, might remember that Madhav Jha is a rustic lad from a small village in Bihar and considering Arjun's ruggedly handsome features, it was decided to sign him up for the role. A source also revealed that the actor has been undergoing training in basketball and Bihari accent for his role in the film.
Those who have read the book by Chetan Bhagat, might remember that Madhav Jha is a rustic lad from a small village in Bihar and considering Arjun's ruggedly handsome features, it was decided to sign him up for the role. A source also revealed that the actor has been undergoing training in basketball and Bihari accent for his role in the film.
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