Ever since Kareena Kapoor Khan tied the knot with Saif Ali Khan, fans and well wishers are eager to know when the royal couple are going to start a family. Bebo, who has been stating that she and Saifu are not yet ready for kids, was recently in the news for visiting a gynaecologist.
A leading daily had reported that Kareena was spotted visiting a gynaecologist at Sitaram Medical Centre, Bandra for a sonography. Well, rumours mills were therefore abuzz with the news of the stork visiting the Khans.
Another daily reports a source as saying that Bebo is not ready to get pregnant yet. However, the ‘Ki’ actress is apparently trying to freeze her eggs, which is now the in thing for mothers who wish to postpone their pregnancy. The source said, “I doubt she is pregnant. She is freezing her eggs. A lot of career woman who put off pregnancy freeze their eggs for later, when they are ready to start a family. Bebo is already in her late 30s, It’s a wise decision”
However, Bebo denied the news saying, "What are these rumours? I am not pregnant. I am not planning to have a baby for the next two years. What rubbish people talk! I have not even gone anywhere. And when I decide to have a child, I will have it the natural way. I don’t believe in freezing my eggs.”
Well, what do you think of that?
A leading daily had reported that Kareena was spotted visiting a gynaecologist at Sitaram Medical Centre, Bandra for a sonography. Well, rumours mills were therefore abuzz with the news of the stork visiting the Khans.
Another daily reports a source as saying that Bebo is not ready to get pregnant yet. However, the ‘Ki’ actress is apparently trying to freeze her eggs, which is now the in thing for mothers who wish to postpone their pregnancy. The source said, “I doubt she is pregnant. She is freezing her eggs. A lot of career woman who put off pregnancy freeze their eggs for later, when they are ready to start a family. Bebo is already in her late 30s, It’s a wise decision”
However, Bebo denied the news saying, "What are these rumours? I am not pregnant. I am not planning to have a baby for the next two years. What rubbish people talk! I have not even gone anywhere. And when I decide to have a child, I will have it the natural way. I don’t believe in freezing my eggs.”
Well, what do you think of that?
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