Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan‘s Fan has hit the bull’s eye and must say the film has been receiving raving appreciation across the world. The film has received an immense response since the release of the film and has shown his tremendous magic at the Box Office too.
Well, though the film has hit a jackpot but SRK says that there won’t be any sequel to the film. SRK said, “The Fan is dead (in the film) so I don’t think there is any sequel to this movie.”
Though there would be no sequel, SRK revealed about his next project with director Maneesh Sharma again. The King Khan revealed, “Maneesh and me are working on another film which is not similar to ‘Fan’ at all. It’s a very different story and we will start working on it by next year. It will be a nice film.”
Fan featured Shah Rukh Khan in a double role, as Gaurav, a fan of superstar Aryan Khanna, which was quite a difficult job for the actor. Sharing his experience on playing the double role, SRK said, “I still feel Aryan is a most difficult character for me. It’s close to my life as an actor and as a star. I feel that the dignity of the movie stars needed to be maintained in the film because I am playing myself in it.”
“Having said that, the biggest achievement was that we could convince the people that there are two people in this film and not one person and I think that’s the biggest compliment,” he added.
Well, though the film has hit a jackpot but SRK says that there won’t be any sequel to the film. SRK said, “The Fan is dead (in the film) so I don’t think there is any sequel to this movie.”
Though there would be no sequel, SRK revealed about his next project with director Maneesh Sharma again. The King Khan revealed, “Maneesh and me are working on another film which is not similar to ‘Fan’ at all. It’s a very different story and we will start working on it by next year. It will be a nice film.”
Fan featured Shah Rukh Khan in a double role, as Gaurav, a fan of superstar Aryan Khanna, which was quite a difficult job for the actor. Sharing his experience on playing the double role, SRK said, “I still feel Aryan is a most difficult character for me. It’s close to my life as an actor and as a star. I feel that the dignity of the movie stars needed to be maintained in the film because I am playing myself in it.”
“Having said that, the biggest achievement was that we could convince the people that there are two people in this film and not one person and I think that’s the biggest compliment,” he added.
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