Pallavi Singh was born on 8th of September 1992 at Patna, Bihar. Therefore, the age of Bhojpuri Sunny Leone is near around twenty-six, (26) years old as on 2018. However, the Father, mother, siblings, Family and educational details of Pallavi
Pallavi Singh upcoming film(s) 2019- 2020
Poster | Release Yr | Film Name | Star Cast(s) |
 | upcoming | Teen Budbak | Rakesh Mishra, Subhi Sharma, Raju Singh, Umesh Singh, Pallavi Singh, Rohan Singh Rajput, Raju Singh Mahi, |
Pallavi Singh total films list (A-Z) filmography
Poster | Release Yr | Film Name | Star Cast(s) |
 | 2016 | Jiddi | Pawan Singh, Viraj Bhatt, Nidhi Jha, Priyanka Mahraj, Ashok Malhotra, Dev Singh, Ghama Verma, Karan Pandey, Pallavi Singh, Rahul Srivastava, Sanjay Verma, Sushil Singh |
 | 2015 | Bin Bajawa Sapera | Pawan Singh, Yash Kumar Mishra, Anup Arora, Brijesh Tripathi, Manisha Singh, Neelam Pandey, Prakash Jais, Ritu Singh, Pallavi Singh, |
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