It was day before yesterday that Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan was impressed with his grand daughter Navya Nanda’s tweet. Navya had tweeted about the India vs New Zealand match, that our team lost.
She posted, “Before you attempt to beat the odds, be sure you could survive the odds beating you. #IndvsNZ.” Big B immediately retweeted the tweet and replied, “the grand daughter speaks .. and speaks well … !!! "
But now it seems that the tweet done by Navya Nanda isn’t real. The twist in the tale is that Navya isn’t on twitter and this Big B realized after two days. Hence he got on to twitter today morning and posted, "T 2178 - ALARM : my grand daughter Navya Nanda is not on Twitter .. that account is fake ..!! I responded to it by mistake .. BE WARNED!!”
She posted, “Before you attempt to beat the odds, be sure you could survive the odds beating you. #IndvsNZ.” Big B immediately retweeted the tweet and replied, “the grand daughter speaks .. and speaks well … !!! "
But now it seems that the tweet done by Navya Nanda isn’t real. The twist in the tale is that Navya isn’t on twitter and this Big B realized after two days. Hence he got on to twitter today morning and posted, "T 2178 - ALARM : my grand daughter Navya Nanda is not on Twitter .. that account is fake ..!! I responded to it by mistake .. BE WARNED!!”
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