Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, who has never done a biopic before (though his character in Chak De India was based on an actual person), has expressed an interest to act in a biopic on the life of late actor-filmmaker Guru Dutt.
When the editor of a magazine tweeted that he would like to see the King Khan play the lead role in a biopic on Guru Dutt, SRK replied, ''Absolutely. I should do it. And as you lovingly say my friend my face is like a beautiful poem… In black and white.''
Dutt, who passed away at the age of 39, was known for helming classics like Pyaasa, Sahib Bibi Aur Gulam and Chaudhvin Ka Chand.
When the editor of a magazine tweeted that he would like to see the King Khan play the lead role in a biopic on Guru Dutt, SRK replied, ''Absolutely. I should do it. And as you lovingly say my friend my face is like a beautiful poem… In black and white.''
Dutt, who passed away at the age of 39, was known for helming classics like Pyaasa, Sahib Bibi Aur Gulam and Chaudhvin Ka Chand.
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