Veteran actor Anil Kapoor made his TV debut with 24, in which he played a counter-terrorism operative named Jai Singh Rathod and it now seems that Bollywood's lovable Majnu Bhai is gearing up for a digital debut.
Kapoor confirmed in a recent interview that his daughter Rhea Kapoor is planning something for the digital space and that if things work out well, he might be seen in a web series on the lines of Kevin Spacey's House Of Cards. Kapoor also added that he would love to explore theatre and act in a play.
Anil Kapoor is currently gearing up for the second season of 24, which is based on the US series 24 starring Keifer Sutherland.
Kapoor confirmed in a recent interview that his daughter Rhea Kapoor is planning something for the digital space and that if things work out well, he might be seen in a web series on the lines of Kevin Spacey's House Of Cards. Kapoor also added that he would love to explore theatre and act in a play.
Anil Kapoor is currently gearing up for the second season of 24, which is based on the US series 24 starring Keifer Sutherland.
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