It was just a few days ago that Shah Rukh Khan’s much-hyped FAN opened to a positive response at the box office while receiving rave reviews. And the aspect which managed to grab maximum attention was the superstar’s terrific portrayal of the lovable fanboy Gaurav. In order to do justice to this challenging character, SRK sported a rather unique look and donned the avatar of a 25-year-old. Indeed the transformation was quite remarkable and created a buzz amongst movie buffs.
Now, in a development that is bound to add new life to FAN mania, a new video has been released. In it, we are told how the makers brought to life the character of Gaurav. Needless to say, it is quite informative. We are sure it will come across as a treat for SRK’s supporters.
As far as FAN is concerned, it is touted to be a thriller and has been directed by Maneesh Sharma. The film revolves around the relationship between a superstar and his fan.
Now, in a development that is bound to add new life to FAN mania, a new video has been released. In it, we are told how the makers brought to life the character of Gaurav. Needless to say, it is quite informative. We are sure it will come across as a treat for SRK’s supporters.
As far as FAN is concerned, it is touted to be a thriller and has been directed by Maneesh Sharma. The film revolves around the relationship between a superstar and his fan.
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