Madhuri Dixit today launched the dance reality show “So You Think You Can Dance ‘Ab India Ki Baari’” amidst much fun and fanfare. The show, which is an Indian version of internationally acclaimed reality format “So You Think You Can Dance”, will be aired on &TV.
Madhuri Dixit will be seen judging the show along with Bosco Martis and Terrence Lewis. At the launch, Madhuri spoke about her favorite dancers. She said, "According to me, the best stage dancers are Pt. Birju Maharaj and Terence Lewis. However, the best street dancers are Govinda and Hrithik.”
She added, “Reality shows have changed from time to time. The best part of reality shows is that you get to see so much of amazing talent from small towns as well. Our show SYTYCD takes off from a place where other reality shows end, that is the level of the show.”
The team also mentioned that there will be some international participants as well. It all certainly sounds very exciting, doesn’t it?
Madhuri Dixit will be seen judging the show along with Bosco Martis and Terrence Lewis. At the launch, Madhuri spoke about her favorite dancers. She said, "According to me, the best stage dancers are Pt. Birju Maharaj and Terence Lewis. However, the best street dancers are Govinda and Hrithik.”
She added, “Reality shows have changed from time to time. The best part of reality shows is that you get to see so much of amazing talent from small towns as well. Our show SYTYCD takes off from a place where other reality shows end, that is the level of the show.”
The team also mentioned that there will be some international participants as well. It all certainly sounds very exciting, doesn’t it?
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